Mission &
Sustainably provide quality, affordable, reliable water and sanitation services to our stakeholders in accordance with statutory regulations. See More OUR
To increase coverage through water and sewerage infrastructure development in the whole county of Kakamega – under the slogan “amatsi khumukuru”. See More OUR
Daily, we strive to position ourselves to be the most effective and efficient water and sanitation service provider for Kakamega residents. See More Our

Our Services

Water & Sewarage

Quality water and sanitation services for the people

Treatement Works

Clean and enough water to the people of Kakamega.

Laboratory Tests

Healthy water for domestic and animal consumption.

Our Areas and Schemes

Our coverage is divided into 5 Areas and 5 Schemes

Bill Querying

Secure and most covenient way to pay your water bills. At the confort of a cell-phone, you control how we work for you..

Our Customer Service Charter

Sustainably provide quality, affordable, reliable water and sanitation services to our stakeholders in accordance with statutory regulations

Simple, easy and transparent procedures with great customer-support for residents who need water connection.

Paying Your Bills

We’ve introduced easy ways to pay your water bills. No long queues as you can transact from where you are..

Or call us for assistance

0799 085 696

250K +
People being served with clean water..


Homes Connected


Areas & Schemes


Years of Operation