We have an office at our HQ in Kakamega, and at other offices in each Area and Scheme as follows:
Mumias Town; and Butere Town
Khayega (for Shitoli Area);
Shinyalu; Muranda; Tindinyo;
Malava Town;
HQ: 0799085696 | 056-02030355
Kakamega Area: 0702378588
The respective Area/Scheme managers
Respective Area/ Scheme Managers
Visit the office for an application form, fill it, pay Ksh 500/=and Ksh 1500/= at Family bank for meter deposit and survey fee.
3 days subject to availability of meters.
3 day at most
Visit the office for the payment plan
Fill account termination form and request for the deposit, deposit given after 2 weeks
Ksh 500/=
Use our USSD Code, on your phone dial: *873*048# then select Option 1 (Query Bill). Then Enter your Account Number, e.g 11150009
Use any one of these methods:
KCB A/C 1273194454
Posta pay -Any post Office
M-pesa pay bill 772153
This is the fee charged for reconnection when your connection gets disconnected due to non-payment of your bill beyond the bill due date.